I’ve been to Arizona several times but had not visited Tucson since the late 90’s so when I had the opportunity to do so, I took advantage and jumped on it immediately.
A friend of mine lives in Sierra Vista which is approximately one and a half hours away and I had an open invitation – which was all I needed to plan my visit. I would get to re-visit Tucson and get to see some other parts of Arizona that I had not seen before.
My first stop was in Tucson as soon as I flew in. That first stop was a place I had read about and I was really curious to visit – the Pima Air & Space Museum (aka, the airplane graveyard!) I got off my flight and headed straight there and guess what – it started to rain! Yes, rain in Arizona! Doesn’t happen often but it did on this day which meant I mostly stuck with the indoor exhibits and took the little covered tram tour of the outdoor exhibits (and fought the water sloshing back and forth on the seat so my pants wouldn’t look like I had pee’d on myself!)
I was very pleased with what I saw and will certainly return for another visit – making sure I have more than just a half day and that the weather cooperates!
After the visit to the Air & Space Museum, I headed down to my friend’s house for a long overdue visit and catching up as well as a bit more sightseeing. More on that in future articles.